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Current Facts
Pineapples are botanically classified as Ananas comosus, and are the only plant in the Bromeliaceae family with edible fruit. They are generally grouped into four main types: Smooth Cayenne, Red Spanish, Queen, and Abacaxi, with hundreds of sub-varieties. Pineapple isn’t technically a single fruit, but rather a collection of many small berries. As those individual berries develop from the plant’s flowers, they fuse together around the fruit stem in the center of the plant to form the pineapple, while the stem itself serves as the fruit’s core. This occurrence of clustering fruits is known as a syncarp, with other familiar syncarps including raspberries and mulberries.

Pineapples are available year-round with a peak season in the spring and summer months.



Pineapples have the shape of a pinecone, and can reach up to 30 centimeters in length. They have a rough, waxy, hexagonal-patterned rind that is covered in small, soft spikes and topped with a compact grouping of narrow, green, pointed-tipped leaves that extend upright. The rind can range in color from green to yellow or reddish-orange when ripe. The flesh varies in shades of white or yellow, depending on the variety, and modern cultivated varieties are known to be seedless. The loosely fibrous and juicy flesh offers a sweet flavor with mild acidity, while the edible core is firmer, more leathery, and less sweet.

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